Answer:Some Skills allow you to pursue answers to questions between events. These Skills are called Information skills. Each Information skill has a number of ingame sources that research the question and provide what answers they can. Your question is answered from their perspective and in the best manner they can pursue it. In order to use an Information skill you must maintain a good relationship with these sources.
Using your sources, you make a request for knowledge. You submit the question you are pursuing to plot between events. The question must be appropriate for your sources and one that your sources could pursue. Questions can be
submitted through this website. Give plot at least four weeks before an event or your answer will likely be delayed.
The use of some Information skills costs money, which is submitted at check-in of the next event. If the Skill requires the use of money you can pay 2 silver for a normal question, 5 silver for a hard or delicate question, and 10 silver for an obscure or dangerous question. More money than this is generally wasted, though a contact may come to you to tell you that pursuing some obscure or dangerous piece of information would be expensive. The description of the Information skill will tell you if it requires this payment to use it.
You are not guaranteed an answer, and it may take more than one event to receive a response. Submitting a question that is not appropriate for your sources dramatically reduces your chance to get an answer that is meaningful.
If you submit a new question before you get an answer, then the old question will be forgotten and the sources will begin to instead pursue the new question. Asking certain questions to inappropriate sources might cause trouble for you.
Your answer will come in one of three ways; you might get a written response between events, you might get a verbal or written response at the opening of an event before it starts, or a contact might come to find you in-game to deliver some piece of knowledge related to your question. If you are seeking answers to difficult or obscure questions you may have to use the Skill more than once to pursue the answers.