To ensure the staff can support your information and production skills, please submit requests four weeks before the next event.
Please submit a new request for each skill used. Click the Information Skills Available tab for a description of the information skills.
To submit your Information Skill Requests,
To submit your Production Skill Requests, please send an email to containing the below information.
Name | Description |
Arcane Lore (Naturalist, Wizard, Sorceror) | Spend some money to ask a question regarding mages, their abilities, what remains of their history, and what is known about the Arcane. This question is asked of the arcane community in general, not to a specific individual, though it may make its way to a specific person by word of mouth. |
Astral Messenger (Anima Sphere) | Contact a shadow, shade spirit, or character powerful in the Shade to carry a message through the shade for you to a specific NPC target. Very fast, but slightly more likely to be intercepted by curious Shade critters. This skill may be used during game if an appropriate character is available to open the Shade for you. Costs an Earth. |
Contacts/Courier (Excavator, Ambassador) | These two skills allow you to pay a messenger to carry a letter to a specific NPC for you. You must know the NPCs name and have an idea on how to find them in order to do this. The messengers are trustworthy and skilled, but interception is possible by the extremely determined and powerful. This ability may sometimes be used at an event. It does not cost anything to send secure letters to fellow PCs. |
Divine Insight (Jormic) | Followers of Jormic with this Skill may submit to plot their notes regarding something that was learned or witnessed and may ask one clarification question having to do with their notes. |
Divine Mystery | No info in Rulebook or Changelog - Need Information |
Ears of the Divine (Cleric, Invoker) | You may pay money to ask a question of the faithful/hierarchy of the church. This question is asked generally to the church, not to a specific person, though it may make its way to that specific person by word of mouth. |
Excavator Contacts | No info in Rulebook or Changelog - Need Information |
Folklore (Bard, Ambassador) | You may spend some money to uncover rumors, tales and legends regarding a specific topic or question. |
In the Thick of Things (Pyredown) | Spend some money and ask a question regarding the goings-on of the empire, the capital, and the important figures that reside there. This question is asked to the community at large, not to a specific person. |
Political Contacts (Ambassador) | You are have many contacts within the social and political circles of Rues. As such you are able to find out pieces of knowledge related to politics. If you spread some money around you often hear rumors or tales about the things other civilized folk have seen and events they may have attended. This is an information skill that requires you to spread around some money to loosen lips. You submit a question between events. When submitting this question, you designate the culture in which you are asking your question. If the question is appropriate for the social circles you might travel in you may receive knowledge appropriate to your question. Additionally, for the next event after submitting this question, you are considered an ambassador to the culture you designated. You have the name of that culture as a Trait for the event. If you do not have a question to ask, you may simply submit the culture you wish to represent. Doing this has no coin cost. |
Read the Wax (Ghostwalker) | Watch the melting wax of a candle and ask a question of the secondary spirit inside of you. If he/she has the answer, you will get a response. There is no cost for this skill. |
Reviled (Delago) | You spend some money to ask a question of the darker element of civilization. If the question is appropriate to the audience, you will receive a response. This question makes its way around the underworld and is not asked to a specific person. |
Spread the Word (Oros) | This skill allows you to spend some money to spread stories (true or false, good or bad) about public figures. This skill is not anonymous, so there are often repercussions if the story is not pleasing to the target. |
Whispers of the Ethereal World (Shaman) | This skill has no cost and allows you to ask a general question of the spirits in your area. If your question is something that would have caught their interest, they will respond. |
Whispers of the Trees (Koreel) |
Koreel send these whispers through the trees. You ask for Koreel’s assistance reaching out to someone, and your message is borne by the spirits of the world to its destination. Exhaust 1 Earth to send a simple question or message to any recipient you have personally met. This message must be 1 sentence or less in length. You must find an NPC who is willing to assist you in sending this message, as not all individuals are in tune enough with the world to do so. While this is generally a quick way to send messages, it is also possible that other beings may try to block your message. |
Word on the Docks (Vascoll) | Similar to the Oros Skill, this skill allows you to pay money to get a rumor going in the empire. Unlike the Oros skill, it is more known as a source of rumor, is not limited to public figures and is more likely to be anonymous. A powerful person may still be able to discover the origin of the rumors, however. |