Welcome to Numina

Welcome and thanks for picking up the Numina rulebook. Numina, if you are not aware already, is an Accelerant LARP and you are taking your first steps into our world. The game is a labor of love artfully crafted by a number of creative minds working in concert. What you, the reader will find below is the world of Rues where you are an inhabitant. Trials, tribulations, discoveries…all of that and more await you. Before you delve into learning more about the game itself, I would like to make a few things clear which may not be apparent from the outset.
Numina is a game, plain and simple. It is a work of fantasy and should remain as such. We do not espouse belief in the fake religions detailed therein or believe that Elves, Alved, the Empire, or the Nomad Tribes are real. We trust that all players are mature enough to handle the fantasy religion and concepts that shall be played out in this game. If any of this makes you uncomfortable then perhaps our game is not for you. If you are still with us then congratulations, years of fun await you.
Player interaction is very important and you will be playing the part of a protagonist in our little tale. Even so please understand that our game is not designed with the intent of player vs. player combat. If you wish to show up and assail other players you will quickly discover that there are dire consequences from both plot and the player population. This is not to say that PvP will never happen but that is not the purpose of this game.
Lastly I would like to take a moment to say thank you to the many people who have made this game possible. I apologize if this ends up looking like the insert of a CD. First thanks to Rob Ciccolini for creating the Accelerant System and rekindling my love of LARPing. Thanks to my roommate for kindly letting 8-18 people invade our home on any given weekend. Thank you to my design team. All of you have been invaluable and I am humbled to have had such help. Thanks to anyone who I have not mentioned that has given help along the way. And lastly I would like to thank you, the reader for validating the time invested in creating this game.
Once again welcome to our world and we can't wait to see you in-game.
Joshua Smith‐Numina GM